The Institute of Agricultural Research for Development (IRAD) is a public administrative institution created by the presidential decree N° 96/050 of 12 March 1996, and modified by decree N° 2002/230 of 06 September 2002.
- Implement scientific programming centred around the priority sectors for the development of the country, and based on the real needs of the users,
- Ensure the sustainable management of local resources and the conservation of the environment,
- Promote valorization and put at the disposal of the users of research results; data, results and products that respond to their needs,
- Make available all information that can have an impact on agricultural development.
Annual crops
- Cereals, Legumes and Vegetables, Roots and Tubers,
- Banana/Plantains, Industrial Annual Crops (cotton, sugar cane).
Perennial crops
- Fruits, Cocoa, Coffee, Oil Palm, Rubber.
Animal production and Fisheries
- Cattle, Monogastrics, Small Ruminants, Animal Health, Aquaculture, Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems.
Forest and Environment
- Forest and Wood, Biodiversity, Soils, Water and Environment
Farming Systems, Economics and Rural Sociology
- Socio-economics, Food Technology, Agroforestry, Intensification and Diversification
- JICA funded Forest Savanna and Sustainability Project (FOSAS)
- PPTE Seed Project to produce basic seeds for farmers
- IADM/PPTE oil Palm seedlings project at IRAD Research Centre - CEREPAH La Dibamba
- NERICA Rice Project following convention CFC/ADRAO/FAO and IRAD
- Cocoa/coffee seedlings Project following convention FODECC/MINRESI
- Seedlings for forest species, inventory and evaluation of Cameroon’s flora, domestication of Non Forest Timber Products.
- Availability of basic and foundation seeds and seedlings for major commodities: maize, rice, beans, cassava, cocoyam, cotton, oil palm, cocoa, coffee.
- Development of high yielding varieties: maize, cotton, cocoa, coffee, banana, plantain, oil palm, cassava, rice, sorghum, cotton, irish potatoes, fruits, beans, etc.
- Development of improved animal breeds: cattle, pigs, chickens, rabbits, fingerlings, etc
- Adapted technological packages developed: Integrated fight against plant pests, organic and mineral fertilizer application techniques for major crops, methods for the fight against animal diseases, techniques for the conservation and transformation of milk, determination of the age of vaccination of calves against major pests
- Equipment for animal traction and the transformation of adapted products: yoke for oxen, harness for donkeys, dryer for fruits and legumes, etc..
- Studies and analysis of some agricultural sectors: vegetables, cattle, groundnut, maize…
- Creation of Irad Consulting and Services for a better valorization of scientific expertise
B. P. 2123, Messa-Yaounde,
Republic of Cameroon.
Tel/Fax.: (237)22 22 33 62/22 22 59 24
Email: irad@iradcameroon.org
Website: http://www.iradcameroon.org