Adu-Bredu, Stephen

Tue, 06/29/2010 - 09:52
Forest Ecology and Physiology, Silvicuture systems, Carbon Sequestration
Research grade
Senior Research Scientist
Institution information

Forestry Research Insitute of Ghana (FORIG)

Educational background

1997: Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (Major in Forestry), Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan 1994: Master of Agricultural Sciences (Major in Forestry), Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan 1988: B.Sc. (Natural Resources Management), University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana

Current research

Increasing productivity and quality of West African teak plantations using genetic diversity and sustainable management. EU-INCO funded project (WAFT) (ICA4-CT-2001-10090) The Biology, Impact, and Integrated Management of the Opepe Shoot Borer (Orgymophora mediofoveata, Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in West Africa. African Forest Research Network (AFORNET) funded project

Contact information

Forestry Research Institute of Ghana P. O. Box UP 63 KNUST Kumasi, Ghana

Tel: +233-03220-60123 /60373
Fax: +233-03220-60121