University Lecturer, Njala University, Sierra Leone
Director of Forests-=1999-2003; Director General Ministry of Agriculture Foresstry and Food Security, Sierra Leone; Director Rice Research Station Rokupr, Sierra Leone; Senior Teaching Fellow Dept Forestry, School of Forestry and Horticulture, Njala University, Board Member Commonwealth Forestry Associon, Board of Governors. Radio/TV Broadcaster on the Environment etc. Married with 4 children. Specialities-Forest Biodiversity, Forest policy, wildfire management etc.
Born 19 April, 1951 in Manowa, Kailahun District, Eastern Sierra Leone. A forester with a B.Sc hon degree in Botany in 1976; B.Sc honours in Forestry in 1982; and M.Sc forest Science, in 1996. Married with 4 children. retired as Director General of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security. Now Senior Teaching Fellow, Department of Forestry, School of Forestry and Horticulture since March, 2009.
lucy_alieu (at) yahoo.co.ik