Geomatic and Ecosystem Modeling/Laboratory of Botany and Plant Ecology,
Department of Botany, University of Lome -Togo
Togo Scout Association; AFF
2007-2012: Ph-D in Forest Ecology at Beijing Forestry University (China);
2005-2006: Master of Plant Biology at University of Lome (Togo);
2002-2005: Bachelor of Natural Sciences at University of Lome (Togo).
Professional Experience
Since May 2014: Lecturer-Researcher at Faculty of Sciences of University of Lome (Togo)
July to November 2018: Postdoc in Forest and remote sensing at Kyoto University (Germany)
September to November 2016: Postdoc in remote sensing at TWAS-DFG Fellow at ZFL/University of Bonn (Germany)
18 to 20 February 2015: Senior trainer "spatial analysis data processing and free GIS software". Eco-Consult, Project ProDRA v3/GIZ, Lome (Togo)
13 to 16 January 2015: Senior trainer "spatial analysis, data processing and free GIS software". Project STDF-REGES-T N1, Lome (Togo)
2013-2014: Postdoc in Forest Management at Beijing Forestry University (China);
September to November 2014: Internship as Coordinating/managing entity (CEM) for CDM, NAMA and REDD+ project development at KOE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANCY, INC Beijing Branch.
2013-2014: Technical assistant for Eco-Consult in the framework of GIZ action on agroforestry and biomass woody energy in Togo.
2009-2012: Teacher of Biology at l’Ecole Consulaire Congolaise, in the Embassy of Congo in China.
Forest dynamic and productivity
1. Fousseni Folega, Kperkouma Wala, Agbelessessi Yao Woegan, Madjouma Kanda, Marra Dourma, Komlan Batawila et Koffi Akpagana (2018) Flore et communautés végétales des inselbergs du Sud-Est du Togo. Physio-Géo, 12(1): 1-21.
2. He H, Zhang C, Zhao X, Fousseni F, Wang J, Dai H, Song Y, Qiang Z. (2018) Allometric biomass equations for 12 tree species in coniferous and broadleaved mixed forests, Northeastern China. PLoS ONE 13 (1):1-16
3. Ekoungoulou, R., Folega, F., Mukete, B., Ifo, S. A.,Loumeto, J. J., Liu, X. D., Niu, S. K. (2018). Assessing the effectiveness of protected areas on floristic diversity in tropical forests. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 16(1):837-853
4. Atakpama W, Folega F, Azo A K, Pereki H, Mensah Ki, Wala K, Akpagana K (2018). Cartographie, diversité et structure démographique de la forêt communautaire d’Amavénou dans la préfecture d’Agou au Togo. Revue de Géographie de l’Université d’Ouagadougou, 2 (6) : 59-82
5. Fousséni FOLEGA, Madjouma KANDA, Djibril KONATE, Hodabalo PEREKI, Kperkouma WALA, Wouyo ATAKPAMA, Atta Franck AKUETE, Koffi AKPAGANA (2017). Foresterie urbaine et potentiel de séquestration du carbone atmosphérique dans la zone urbaine et peri-urbaine de Kpalimé (Togo). Rev. Sc. Env. Univ., Lomé (Togo) ,14(1) :7-28.
6. FOLEGA F., PEREKI H., WOEGAN A.Y., DOURMA M., ATAKPAMA W., MAZA M.S., AKPAGANA K. (2017). Caractérisation écologique de la forêt communautaire d’Edouwossi-Copé (Région des Plateaux-Togo). J. Rech. Sci. Univ. Lomé (Togo), 2017, 19(3): 47-61.
7. DOURMA M., SOOU E., KPEMISSI AMANA E., ATAKPAMA W., FOLEGA F., POLO-AKPISSO A., WALA K., AKPAGANA K. (2017). La forêt classée d’Atakpamé : diversité, typologie, séquestration de carbone et activités anthropiques. J. Rech. Sci. Univ. Lomé (Togo), 2017, 19(3): 29-45
8. FOLEGA F., ATAKPAMA W., PEREKI H., DJIWA O., DOURMA M., KOMBATE B., ABRENI K., WALA K., AKPAGANA K.(2017). Potentialités écologiques et socio-économiques de la forêt communautaire d’Agbédougbé (Région des Plateaux-Togo). J. Rech. Sci. Univ. Lomé (Togo),19 (2) : 31-49.
9. Kanda M, Badjana HM, Folega F, Akpavi S, Imbernon J, Wala K, Akpagana K (2016) Dynamique centrifuge du maraîchage périurbain de Lomé (Togo) en réponse à la pression foncière. Cah. Agric. 2017, 26, 15001.
10. Fandjinou, K, Folega, F, Wala, K, Komlan, B, Akpagana, K, Zhang, KB, (2016): Efficiency of an Artificial Fencing Method for Combating Desertification in the Northwest of China, the Case of Yanchi County of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 15(2): 355-363.
11. Polo-Akpisso, A., Wala, K., Ouattara, S., Folega, F., Tano, Y. (2016): Changes in Land Cover Categories within OKM Complex in Togo (West Africa) Between 1987 and 2013. Chapter 1 in W. Leal et al. (eds.), Implementing Climate Change Adaptation in Cities and Communities, Climate Change Management, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-28591-7_1 Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
12. Chen, K. S., Li, J.Q., Rasoarahona, J., Folega, F., Manjaribe, C. (2016): Diet and effects of Sanford’s brown lemur (Eulemur sanfordi, Archbold 1932) gut passage on plant species germination in Amber forest, Madagascar, Zoological Studies 55: 21 (2016), doi:10.6620/ZS.2016.55-21.
13. Senou, H., Zheng, C.X., Samake, G., Traore, B.M., Folega, F., Traore, M.B. (2016): Quantification of Seed Oil Content and Fatty Acid Profile of Jatropha cucas L. from Guizhou, China. International Journal of Biology; 8(2):92-97.
14. Diwediga, B., Wala, K., Folega, F., Dourma, M., Woegan, Y.A., Akpagana, K., Le, Q.B. (2015): Biophysical and anthropogenous determinants of landscape patterns and degradation of plant communities in Mo hilly basin (Togo). Ecological Engineering 85 (2015) 132–143. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2015.09.059.
16. Folega, F., Woegan, Y.A., Dourma, M., Wala, K.; Batawila, K.; Seburanga, J.L., Zhang, C.Y., Peng, D.L., Zhao, X.H., Akpagana, K. (2015): Long term evaluation of green vegetation cover dynamic in the Atacora Mountain chain (Togo) and its relation to carbon sequestration in West Africa. Journal of Mountain Science 12(4): 921-934.
17. Folega, F., Dourma, M., Wala, K., Batawila, K., Zhao, X.H., Zhang, C.Y., Akpagana, K. (2014): Basic overview of riparian forest in sudanian savanna ecosystem: case study of Togo. Rev. Écol. (Terre Vie), 69:24-38.
18. Folega, F., Zhang, C.Y., Woegan, Y.A., Wala, K., Dourma, M., Batawila, K., Seburanga, J.L., Zhao, X.H., Akpagana, K. (2014): Structure and ecology of forest plant community in Togo. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 26 (2): 225–239.
19. Folega F., Zhang C.Y., Zhao X.H., Wala K., Batawila K., Huang H.G., Dourma M., Akpagana K. (2014): Satellite monitoring of land-use and land-cover changes in northern Togo protected areas. Journal of Forestry Research, 25(2):385-392.
20. Atakpama, W., Folega, F., Dourma, M., Woégan, Y.A., Diwediga, B., Wala, K, Batawila, K., Akpagana, K.(2014): Woody species diversity, structure and distribution of Sterculia setigera Del. in Togo. Annual Research & Review in Biology, 4, 24, 4511-4528
21. Xia, F.C., Folega, F., Pan, C.F., He, H.J., Zhao, X.H. (2014): The effect of over-story on the seasonal variability of under-story herbs in primary broad-leaved Korean pine forest of Changbai Mountain. African Journal of Biotechnology, 13(11):1223-1230.
22. Dimobe, K., Wala, K., Dourma, M., Kiki, M., Woegan, Y., Folega, F., Batawila, K., Akpagana, K. (2014): Disturbance and Population Structure of Plant Communities in the Wildlife Reserve of Oti-Mandouri in Togo (West Africa). Annual Research & Review in Biology, 4(15):01-15.
23. Ekoungoulou, R., Liu, X.D., Ifo, S.A., Loumeto, J.J., Folega, F. (2014): Carbon Stock Estimation In Secondary Forest and Gallery Forest Of Congo Using Allometric Equations. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 3(3):465-474.
24. Seburanga, J.L., Nsanzurwimo, A., Folega, F. (2014): Status of Hagenia forest in the Parc National des Volcans, Rwanda: A review of historical records. Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment, 6(5): 170-182.
25. Folega, F., Dourma, M., Wala, K., Komlan, B., Zhang, C.Y., Zhao, X.H., Koffi, A. (2012): Assessment and impact of anthropogenic disturbances in protected areas of northern Togo. Forestry Studies in China 14(3): 216–223.
26. Folega, F., Zhang, C.Y., Samake, G., Kperkouma, W., Batawila, K., Zhao, X.H., Akpagana, K. (2011): Evaluation of agroforestery species in potential fallows of areas gazette as protected areas. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6(12):2828-2834.
27. Folega, F., Zhang, C.Y., Wala, K., Zhao, X.H., Akpagana, K. (2011): Wooded vegetation of protected areas in Northern Togo. Case of Barkoissi, Galangashi and Oti-Keran: Ecological and Structure Analysis of Plant Communities. Forestry Studies in China, 13(1):23-35.
28. Folega, F., Zhang, C.Y., Zhao, X.H., Wala, K., Akpagana, K. (2011): Floristic diversity in most dry and environmentally disturbed areas of Northern Togo. Energy Procedia, 11: 2127–2132.
29. Folega, F., Zhang, C.Y., Batawila, K., Zhao, X.H., Akpagana, K. (2011): Plant communities’ pattern in most environmentally disturbed areas in most septentrional part of Togo. Energy Procedia, 11: 2433–2441.
30. Folega, F., Jean, L.S., Huang, H.G., Zhao, X.H., Alfa-Sika, M.S-L. (2011): Urban area vegetation changing assessment over the last 20 years based on NDVI. Energy Procedia, 11: 2449–2454.
31. Gabriel, S., Fousseni, F., Ali K., Hua-Fang, W. (2011): In Vitro Regeneration of Acacia nilotica on Wood Plant Versus B5 Media. Journal of Agriculture, Biotechnology & Ecology, 4(2): 64-75.
32. Folega, F., Zhao, X.H., Zhang, C.Y., Wala, K., Akpagana, K. (2010): Ecological and numerical analyses of plant communities of the most conserved protected area in North-Togo. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, 2(11):359-369.
Email: ffolegamez@live.fr
Phone: 0022890106797
Address: blvd Eyadema 01BP1515Lome, Togo