Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI)
Forestry Society of Kenya
Ph.D. degree on: Tree ecology and agroforestry systems interactions and management, Dundee University (U.K.), 2000. Thesis: “Tree root development and interaction in drylands; focusing on Melia volkensii with socio-economic evaluations”.
MSc. Degree on: Resource management, University of Edinburgh (U.K.), 1989. Thesis, “Agroforestry: Its potential to solve fuelwood crisis in Bura National Irrigation and Settlement Scheme, Bura-Tana, Kenya”.
BSc. Degree in Forestry: Moi University (Kenya), 1985. Project, “Minor forest products use at household level in Kakamega district, Kenya”.
Diploma in: Environmental Management; from Galilee International Management Institute, Israel; November 2015.
Melia volkensii (Dryland species) propagation, silvicultural management and utilization
Dr. Jackson is a married Christian born in Kenya.
- James Munga Kimondo, Jacob Godfrey Agea, Clement Akais Okia, Refaat Atalla Ahmed Abohassan, Jackson Mulatya and Zewge Teklehaimanot(2014). Distribution and regeneration status of Vitex payos (Lour.) Merr. In Kenyan drylands. Journal of horticulture and forestry 6(9): 81-91.
- Wekesa L., Muturi G., Mulatya J., Esilaba A.O., Keya G.A. and Ihure S (2012).Economic viability of Melia volkensii (Gurkii) production on smallholdings in drylands of Kenya. International Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Soil Science (ISSN: 2251-0044) Vol. 2(8) pp. 364-369
- Kimondo J.M. Agea J.G. Okia C.A., Abohassan R.A.A, Ndeunyema E.T.N, Waiso D.A., Tecklehaimanot. Z. and Mulatya J.M (2012). Physiochemical and Nutritional characterization of Vitex Payos (lour)Merr. (Verbenacae). An indigenous fruit tree of East Africa. Journal of Horticulture and Forestry 4 (10):161- 168.
- James Munga Kimondo, Jacob Godfrey Agea, Clement Akais Okia, Refaat Atalla Ahmed Abohassan, Jackson Mulatya and Zewge Teklehaimanot(2011). Estimating fruit yield from Vitex payos (Lour) Merr. In semi-arid Eastern provinces of Kenya: Application of allometric equations. Research Journal of Applied Sciences 6(3): 153-162, 2011
- Wekesa L., Mulatya J. and Esilaba A0. (2011). Bio-socio-economic Factors Influencing Tree Production in South eastern Drylands of Kenya.A Bationo et al. (eds.), Innovations as Key to the Green Revolution in Africa, 1035.DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-2543-2 105, ©Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
- James Munga Kimondo, Jacob Godfrey Agea,Clement Akais Okia, Refaat Atalla Ahmed Abohassan, Jackson Mulatya and Zewge Teklehaimanot (2010). Vitex payoo (Lour) Merr. Fruit trees in drylands areas of Eastern Kenya: Use, marketing and management. Botany Research Journal 3(1-4): 14-21- 2010.
- James Munga Kimondo, Jacob Godfrey Agea,Clement Akais Okia, Refaat Atalla Ahmed Abohassan, Jackson Mulatya and Zewge Teklehaimanot (2010). Vitex payoo (Lour) Merr Fruit trees in drylands areas of Eastern Kenya: Use, marketing and mangement. Botany Research Journal 3(1-4): 14-21- 2010
- Jama B.A., Mohamed A.M., Mulatya J.M. and Njui A.N. (2005). The Big five: harnessing the potential of dryland fruit tree species in East and Central Africa for food security and poverty reduction (Ecological Indicators 8(2):170-179; Elsevier Science).
- C.K. Ong, J. Wilson, J.D. deans, J. Mulatya, T, Raussen, N. Wajja-Musukwe (2002). Tree-crop interactions: Manipulation of water use and root function. Agricultural Water Management 53; 171-186.
- J. M. Mulatya, C.K.Ong, J. Wilson, J.I. Sprent and J.D. Deans (2001). Crop yields and below ground resource uptake by Melia volkensii in semi-arid areas of Kenya. Agroforestry systems 51: 39-45, 2001.
- J.M. Mulatya, C.K.Ong, J. Wilson, J.D. Deans and J.I. Sprent (2002). Root architecture of provenances, seedlings and cuttings of Melia volkensii: implications for crop yields in dryland agroforestry. Agroforestry systems 56: 65-72, 2002.
- J. M. Mulatya (2000). Tree root development and interactions in drylans; focusing on Melia volkensii with socio-economic evaluations. Ph.D. thesis, University of Dundee, UK.
- Mulatya J.M. (1989). Agroforestry: It’s potential to solve fuelwood crisis in Bura Irrigation and Settlement Scheme, Bura-Tana. MSc. Thesis, University of Edinburgh, UK.
- Gordon. J.C., Hazra, C.R,Miettinen, P., O. Luukkanen, S. Johansson, E. Eklund and J .Mulatya. (1989). Forage and soil productivity under Agroforestry and silvi-pasture systems. Plant and Soil, 174: 255-277.
- Miettinen P., Luukkanen O., Johansson,S., Eklund. E and Mulatya J. (1988). Rhizobium nodulation in Prosopis juliflora seedlings at different irrigation levels in eastern Kenya. Plant and Soil: 112, 233-238.
- D Gwaze, J Clarke, P Milimo, J Mulatya (1998). Estimates of socio-economic benefits of ACIAR-supported forestry projects in Africa. Commonwealth forestry (JSTOR)
Address: Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI) P.O. BOX 20412 00200 Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254-721385835
Email: jmulatya@kefri.org / jackmulatya@yahoo.com