PhD. (Environmental sciences): Wageningen University, Netherlands
MSc (Tropical Forestry: forest policy): Wageningen University, Netherlands
BSc (Natural Resource Management): University of Science and Technology, Kumasi
Marfo, E. 2004. Unpacking and repacking community representation in forest management and policy negotiations. Ghana Journal of Forestry vol. 15&16, pp21-29. Marfo, E. 2006. Powerful relations. The role of actor-empowerment in the management of natural resource conflicts. A case of forest conflicts in Ghana. PhD Thesis Wageningen University, the Netherlands (ISBN 90-8504-526-6) Marfo, E. 2007. Institutionalising citizen participation and community representation in natural resource management: lessons from the Social Responsibility Agreement in Ghana. Oxford University Press and Community Development Journal, doi:10.1093/cd/bsm028, pp1-15 Marfo, E., E. Acheampong and C. Osae. (forthcoming). An assessment of compliance with on-farm logging regulations on compensation payment in Ghana: implications for policy intervention. Accepted paper for Ghana Journal of Forestry Marfo, E. and Nyame, S.K. Sustainable forest management in Ghana: challenges to professionalism. In: Nketiah, K.S., A. Wieman and K.O. Asubonteng (eds). Natural resource management in Ghana: challenges to professionalism. Tropenbos-International Ghana Workshop Proceedings 1: 2004. Marfo, E. Coping with illegality: conflicts over chainsaw lumbering and coping strategies, in: Nketiah, K. S., A. Wieman and K.O. Asubonteng (eds). Chainsaw lumbering production: a necessary evil? Tropenbos International-Ghana Workshop proceedings 2: 2004. Marfo, E. 2007. Managing compensation conflicts in off-reserve areas in Ghana: understanding actor-empowerment and implications for policy intervention. In K. A. Oduro and K. Okae-Kissiedu (eds.) Restoration and sustainable management of forests in Ghana. Tropenbos International-Ghana Workshop Proceedings 6. Marfo, E. Managing corporate-community conflicts: lessons from forest-mining conflicts in Ghana. In: E. K. Yanful, C. L. Quintus, S. Abou-Aly, A. S. Doison and L. Vu (eds.) CD Proceedings of the First International Conference on Environment Research, Technology and Policy (ERTEP 2007), Accra 16-19 July 2007 Marfo, E. 2002. Final Report on explorative study on ‘effective planning, policy formulation and implementation in Ghana: issues for research’. TROPENBOS-GHANA PROGRAMME. Marfo, E. 2007. Legal pluralism and Access to forests in Ghana: conflicts and potentials for collaborative forest governance. Scientific report to the International Foundation for Science. Grant no. S/3665-1
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