Tanzania Forestry Research Institute (TAFORI),
P.O Box 1854,
Morogoro, Tanzania.
Fax: +255 023-2613725
Phone: +255 023-2614498
Website: http://www.tafori.or.tz
Tanzania Association of Foresters (TAF)
- M.Sc. Forestry (Mensuration and Management), Faculty of Forestry and Nature Conservation, Sokoine University of Agriculture, 2008-2011.
- B.Sc. Forestry, Faculty of Forestry and Nature Conservation, Sokoine University of Agriculture, 2003-2006.
Assessment of Local Communities’ Participation in Community Based Forest Management in Tanzania”. PhD Research Project under Science and Power in Participatory Forestry (SCIFOR) project.
Numan Said Amanzi is a Professional Forester, employed by Tanzania Forestry Research Institute (TAFORI) as Forestry Research Officer in July 2010. Prior 2010, he worked in Forestry and Beekeeping Division of Ministry of Natural Resource and Tourism (MNRT) as Forest Officer. He holds B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Forestry from the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) – Morogoro Tanzania. He has been researching forest condition, governance, and livelihood aspects since 2010, and his publication topics include forest condition, forest governance, climate change, and livelihood for forest dependent communities. He currently pursuing PhD at SUA (Tanzania) and University of Copenhagen (Denmark), and his PhD research project is about Local Communities’ Participation in Community Based Forest Management in Tanzania. He is a member of Tanzania Association of Foresters (TAF) and Forestry Research Network for Sub-Saharan Africa (FORNESSA).
- Kilawe C.J., Mroso, H.T., Amanzi, N. S. (2018). Inappropriate land Use plans impede conservation efforts in Kilosa District, Tanzania. Nature and Faune Volume 32 (1): 49 – 53.
- Katani, J.Z., Madoffe, S.S., Amanzi, N. S., Rija, A. A., Midtgaard, F., Mbeyale, G., Zahabu, E. and Tarimo, B.C. Assessment of fire prevalence and reduction strategies in Miombo woodlands of Eastern Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation, Volume 84(1) December, 2014.
- Mbeyale, G. E., Bomani, F. Shabaz, B, Amanzi, N. S. (2014). Livelihood options and food insecurity in marginal and semi-arid areas of Same District, Tanzania. International Journal of Agricultural Extension, 2: 75-91
- Bakengesa, S. S., Mwakisu, A and Amanzi, N. S. (2013). Tracking forest resource condition and biodiversity through Permanent sample plots established in Bukombe-Mbogwe forest reserve in Shinyanga Region, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation. Vol 83, No 1 (2013).
- Balama, C., Augustino, S., Eriksen, S., Makonda, F.S.B. and Amanzi, N. S. (2013). Climate change adaptation strategies by local farmers in Kilombero district, Tanzania. Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management Vol. 6 Supplement 2013
Kilawe, C. J; Maliondo, S.M.S; Jonas, E. F. and Amanzi, N. S. (2013). Survival and growth of three years pure and mixed tree species forest stands in the coastal Tanzania. Journal of Association of Foresters. Volume 12 July, 2013.
Tanzania Forestry Research Institute (TAFORI),
P.O Box 1854,
Morogoro, Tanzania.
Phone: +255 713 424 835 or +255 783 744 935
Email: numansaid@yahoo.com / numansaidi@gmail.com