Prof. Geldenhuys, Coert

Sun, 08/07/2016 - 13:13
Prof. Coert J Geldenhuys
Forest Ecologist with specific interest in;
(i) The ecology and management of natural evergreen forest and deciduous woodlands of Africa, and development of sustainable resource use management systems for timber, non-timber and non-wood forest products from these vegetation systems, based on the regeneration ecology of these systems and targeted species;
(ii) Rehabilitation of degraded systems, including rehabilitation after mining, and through invader plant stands as pioneer stands towards forest recovery. I have been doing this all over Africa.
Research grade
Institution information
  • Forestwood cc
  • Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Pretoria
  • Nelson Mandela University
Civic and professional organizations
  • Southern African Institute of Forestry
  • South African Association of Botanists
  • South African Institute of Ecologists & Environmental Scientists
  • Association for taxonomic study of flora of tropical Africa (AETFAT)
  • Africa Forest Forum (AFF)
  • Board of DST/NRF Centre of Excellence in Tree Health Biotechnology at FABI, University of Pretoria
  • Advisory Committee of Threatened Species Programme of National Botanical Institute, South Africa
  • Global Tree Specialist Group of Species Survival Commission of IUCN
Educational background

BSc Forestry, BSc Hons Forest Ecology, MSc Forest Science - Stellenbosch University

PhD Botany - University of Cape Town

Current research
  • Development of silvicultural management systems (selective stem thinning and branch pruning) in stand development stages for sustainable use of poles and fuel wood to maintain plant diversity, productivity and resource use value of woodland systems (Miombo woodland, Undifferentiated woodland, Mopane woodland)
  • Combining resource use with recovery of natural evergreen forest through invader plant stands through selective thinning of invader plant stands

Freelance forest ecologist, Forestwood cc

Featured publications

01 ANONYMOUS 2010. National forest types of South Africa. Poster inserted into SA Forestry Magazine August 2010

02 GELDENHUYS, C.J. 2006. Introduced tree species – a curse or an ally? SA Forestry Magazine May/June 2006, p. 30-31.

03 GELDENHUYS, C.J. 2007. Using nature to minimize the risk of Forest Fires. SA Forestry Magazine November/December 2007, p. 4-6.

04 GELDENHUYS, C.J. 2010. Sneezewood or Mthathe: a well-used natural forest species is looking after itself. SA Forestry Magazine February 2010, p.30-32.

05 GELDENHUYS, C.J. 2010. Uses and management of natural forest wood in the Wild Coast. SA Forestry Magazine April 2010, p.37-38

06 GELDENHUYS, C.J. 2010. Selecting indigenous trees for your garden. SA Forestry Magazine June 2010, p.40-42

07 GELDENHUYS, C.J. 2010. Why are forest margins such a contentious management issue? SA Forestry Magazine August 2010, p.28-31

08 GELDENHUYS, C.J. 2011. Natural forests, conservation and development. SA Forestry Magazine February 2011, p.29-30.

09 GELDENHUYS, C.J. 2011. 5th National Forests and Woodlands Symposium. SA Forestry Magazine April 2011, p.35-37.

10 GELDENHUYS, C.J. 2011. How to live with trees and keep them healthy. SA Forestry Magazine June 2011, p.36-37.

11 GELDENHUYS, C.J. 2011. Sustainable management of bark harvesting for traditional medicine. SA Forestry Magazine August 2011, p.46-47, 51.

12 GELDENHUYS, C.J. 2012. Outeniqua yellowwood, the majestic tree of our natural forests. SA Forestry Magazine April 2012, p.36-38.

13 GELDENHUYS, C.J. 2012. Silviculture of three Millettia tree species from African forests and woodlands. SA Forestry Magazine June 2012, p.38-39.

14 GELDENHUYS, C.J. 2012. Forest recovery after slash-and-burn agriculture. SA Forestry Magazine October 2012, p.22-23.

15 GELDENHUYS, C.J. 2012. Black stinkwood: a valuable multi-purpose forest tree. SA Forestry Magazine December 2012, p.32-33.

16 GELDENHUYS, C.J. 2013. Does natural forest size really matter? SA Forestry Magazine February 2013, p.36-37.

17 GELDENHUYS, C.J. 2013. The many uses of Pterocarpus angolensis aka ‘Kiaat’. SA Forestry Magazine August 2013, p.36-37.

18. GELDENHUYS, C.J. 2014. Sustainable use of Miombo woodlands: Simple silvicultural practices the key to sustainable use of Miombo fuel wood and poles. SA Forestry Magazine April 2014, p.20-21.

19. GELDENHUYS, C.J. 2015. Prunus africana – a tree species with huge potential. SA Forestry Magazine February 2015, p.28-29

Contact information

Phone: +27827761593
Address: PO Box 228, La Montagne, Pretoria 0184, South Africa