Forestry Research Insitute of Ghana (FORIG)
2002-2006 PhD. Forest Science. Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan, USA.
1998-2001 M.Phil. Silviculture and Forest Management (Forest Entomology). Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi Ghana.
1991-1994 B.Sc. Natural Resources Management, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi Ghana.
Conservation of African Mahogany diversity: Provenance Selection, Propagation, and Mixed Planting Systems to Reduce Shoot Borer Impact on Mahogany Forest, AAS/AFORNET, 2007-2008. Principal Investigator
Towards Sustainable Timber Production in Ghana: Stage I. Improving Shoot Borer Resistance and Developing Silvicultural Systems to Maximize Mahogany Plantation Success. 2005-2009. Co-principal Investigator.
Forestry Research Institute of Ghana
P. O. Box UP 63 KNUST
Kumasi, Ghana
Tel: +233-03220-60123 /60373
Fax: +233-03220-60121