Welcome message from Dr. Victor Agyeman, Director CSIR-FORIG:
It gives me great pleasure and honor to welcome you to the First National Forestry Conference on "The contribution of forests to Ghana's economic development" in Kumasi, Ghana from 16-18th September 2014.
Forest resources in Africa are essential in people’s lives and fulfill important role in national and local economies and in environmental quality. The overall goal of the conference is to highlight the role of forests and woodlands on livelihoods, environmental management and economic development in the country and the expected future contribution in the light of current challenges. This conference is being held to commemorate 100 years of forestry practice and 50 years of forestry research in Ghana. This First National Forestry Conference will offer scientists, researchers, forest managers and policy makers the opportunity to share information and discuss related national problems, research needs and achievements that will contribute to the well-being of the people of Ghana and the world.
As Director of CSIR-FORIG, I sincerely hope that many scientists, policy makers, etc will participate and contribute actively in this important event. I eagerly look forward to receiving your inputs and to welcoming you at CSIR-FORIG in September 2014.