Anatomical properties of Afina [ Strombosia glaucescens var lucida (J. Leonard) ]

Thu, 05/13/2010 - 11:38

The study was carried out to determine the anatomical properties of Afina ( Strombosia glaucescens) to assist in the understanding of its physical properties.

The results indicate that strombosia is a diffuse - porous wood. The parenchyma cells are apotracheal diffuse- in - aggregate. The rays are 2 to 3 cells wide. Strombosia has an average fibre length of 1.57mm with a runkel ratio of 7.54. The wood is hard, with fairly straight grain and the texture is fine. The fibres are thick-walled. Strombosia wood being hard, fairly straight grain and of fine texture may be recommended for uses as tool handles.

Ghana Journal of Forestry 1:30-33
Responsible party
Forestry Research Institute of Ghana
Funding bodies
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Anatomical_properties_afina.pdf 1.82 MB
Awuku, F. A.