
Mon, 11/21/2016 - 08:21

IUFRO launched a new policy brief on forest landscape restoration at COFO23 World Forest Week hosted at the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome, Italy.

Restoring Forest Landscapes: A "Win-Win" for People, Nature and Climate outlines key messages for policy makers, synthesizing major lessons learnt from a recent review of the state-of-the-art scientific knowledge on the climate benefits of forest landscape restoration (LFR).

Mon, 10/24/2016 - 15:56

Allanblackia species are high value multipurpose indigenous fruit trees whose seeds contain edible oil that has become a foreign exchange earner for rural-based enterprises. Wild harvesting could not sustain the supply to industry and therefore domestication was focused on developing propagation techniques, selecting and collecting elite planting materials. Little emphasis was placed on the soil nutrient requirements where preliminary results showed seedlings grown in rhizosphere soil of wild trees had good growth performance.

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Mycorrhizal_allanblackia.pdf 2.47 MB
Mon, 10/24/2016 - 15:42

Forest encroachment into savanna is occurring at an unprecedented rate across tropical Africa, leading to a loss of valuable savanna habitat. One of the first stages of forest encroachment is the establishment of tree seedlings at the forest–savanna transition. This study examines the demographic bottleneck in the seedlings of five species of tropical forest pioneer trees in a forest–savanna transition zone in West Africa.

Mon, 10/24/2016 - 15:28

The impacts of charcoal production on woodland were assessed in the Forest-Savannah Transition Zone of Ghana to facilitate policy formulation for a win-win situation for both sustainable woodland management and charcoal production. Twenty-three harvested sites in two charcoal producing communities were assessed in terms of the extent of harvested sites, changes in biomass carbon stock and tree basal area.

Thu, 08/11/2016 - 07:18

Restoring Forest Landscapes: A "Win-Win" for People, Nature and Climate outlines key messages for policy makers, synthesizing major lessons learnt from a recent review of the state-of-the-art scientific knowledge on the climate benefits of forest landscape restoration (FLR).

Tue, 08/04/2015 - 07:34

Draft ministerial declaration of the high-level segment of the eleventh sesssion of the United Nations Forum on Forests

Tue, 08/04/2015 - 07:29

Draft resolution submitted by the Chair of the United Nations Forum on Forests at its eleventh session, Noel Nelson Messone (Gabon), on the basis of informal consultations

Mon, 08/04/2014 - 02:44

Improved governance of natural resources is crucial for building climate resilient livelihoods and economies in Africa’s drylands. This paper looks at why the authority and capacity of customary

Mon, 08/04/2014 - 02:07

Wood carving is one of the most lucrative industries in Kenya. It is highly associated with the tourism industry and enjoys large volume of export market worldwide. However, a number of the indigenous wood carving species have been over exploited and it is crucial to identify alternative species to sustain the industry. The main objective of the study was to determine physical, macroscopic and microscopic features of Kenyan wood carving species and use these properties to classify them.

Fri, 04/25/2014 - 03:06

Whether invasion of introduced plant species may be aided by certain community properties is poorly understood for species-rich ecosystems, such as tropical montane forests. In Kenya, the non-native tree Fraxinus pennsylvanica has invaded degraded montane forests. We used generalized linear mixed models to examine the relative importance of different community properties to Fraxinus invasion after agricultural abandonment and in the secondary forest.